The Munay Ki Rites

Are you ready for an extraordinary, luminous life?

The Rites of the Munay-Ki

Since we’re here on Earth now, we all have a part to play in the planet’s ascension — and that’s to reclaim our human essence through the power of the awakened heart.

     If that sounds good to you, read on...

Prophecies from the ancient Americas foretold a time of great transformation. A time when a new “human” would emerge on the planet — persons of wisdom and power who would courageously step into their eternal nature, Homo Luminous.

     That time is NOW! And the Munay-Ki Rites are the codes for such transformation — for if we are to bring in a new era for life here on Earth, transforming our luminous energy field is essential.
     We have all the light and wisdom within us to create the kind of world we so deeply long for.

     We simply need to take back control of our lives, break the chains that hold us down — and reawaken the power of our hearts!

What are the Munay-Ki Rites?

The Munay-Ki Rites are a gift to the world from the medicine men and women of the Andes and Amazon — those who have nurtured and protected their gifts and inner resources for the longest time in order to awaken the hearts of the new humans that we are becoming today.
     And what a privilege they bestow. Imagine (re)discovering extraordinary abilities... like the ability to read minds, or to view what’s happening a thousand miles away — or that you can easily see phenomena from beyond the “normal” realm.
     Actually, such capabilities are available to everyone. But we have been in wrong relationship with power and so we have focused on the wrong things, in the wrong way. The modern world sees “power” as a masculine attribute, one of force and control — but we have been misled. The greatest power of all is to live with a gentle heart, one that is open to giving and receiving love... for it is LOVE that gives us our true power.
     Yes indeed, The Beatles said it nearly 60 years ago... “All you need is Love!” But without this simple understanding, we will continue living small lives, with closed hearts — so much so that even if we want to awaken our powers, we won’t know where to start.
     That's where the Rites come in. The Rites grow our capabilities and raise our sights and sensibilities to something higher, finer and more inclusive of everyone and everything.

     Additionally, through the Rites, you will heal the wounds of your past, and release any karmic or genetic programmes passed to you by your ancestors.
     Your DNA will re-code you and you will upgrade your energy template to bring forward your “new” luminous body — a brilliance which ages, heals, and even dies differently.
     According to the Q’ero Shaman, the key to this transformation is buried deep in an ancient “seed”. It is a seed of infinite spiritual potential within, something we can grow by our intentions... This seed was carefully tended and passed down from teacher to student and finally to us across the generations. In all probability, we all have many “seeds”, not just one.

     So it is time for us to cultivate all facets of ourselves and step fully into the spiritual awakening available to us all now.

     BTW: When the Rites are conferred, you are welcome to pass the “seed” on to others… No nasty exams to sit or case histories to write up. Just pass them on with love in your heart, and with the highest intent to live and serve in “right” relationship with all — and a healthy determination to practice and share this light as much as you can.

What exactly was the Quechuan Prophecy?

When enough Seeds are awakened, liberated from fear and other negative aspects of the 3rd- and 4th-level of consciousness, the 5th-level Seeds can sprout within humanity and form a Whole.

TO KEEP THEIR WISDOM PURE and their people safe, the Q’ero left their homes and took refuge in the Andes mountains (4,200 meters up!) to avoid Pizarro and the conquistadores.

     And there they stayed for 500 years. They could afford to wait, for they had received a sacred prophesy about great change, El Pachakutek — or the moment the world will “turn” and we see an end to chaos and disorder.

     The ancient prophesy calls this the “great meeting”, or Mastay — the time when the peoples of the world, from all directions, finally come together again.
     It was cognised that the “new” Earth Guardians would come from the West, and those who had had the greatest impact on Mother Earth would have to remake their relationship with Her, after remaking themselves first...
     The prophesy also foretold that North America would provide the physical strength and Europe the mental appearance — but the heart would come from South America.

     These prophesies are heartening, for they refer to the end of an era and the end of a way of thinking, of being, and how we have lived in relation to nature and other beings.
     The Q’ero prophesised tumultuous shifts on the Earth and in our psyches as

we start re-defining our relationships and true spirituality.
     The chaos of this time will last for four years. But
The Great Change has already begun and brings with it the promise of a new human being, Homo Luminous.
     But the Q’ero say we must “die” to our old models of spirituality in order to open up to self-renewal — becoming midwives of a new way of thinking and acting.
     We need to re-learn honour and respect for Mother Earth, Father Sun, Star Sisters and to respect everything and everyone so that we can take a leap into what we are becoming... together.
     We are at the end of this transition — so the fifth level of consciousness will soon begin to manifest. After this, the sixth level of consciousness will appear when a Golden Age for humanity arises.
The Golden Age heralds the Sixth Sun, when the Children of Light will arrive, who will be fully awake. And once the fifth level of consciousness is reached, the Golden Age will occur across the world  simultaneously.
     As the Q’ero remind us, all that’s left is to “Follow your own footsteps. Learn from rivers, trees, rocks. Honour your brothers, honour Mother Earth, honour the Great Spirit. Honour thyself and all of Creation. Look with the eyes of your soul and commit to what is essential”

Where do the Rites come from?

The Munay-Ki Rites initiate us into the shamanic lineage of the Q’ero Shaman of the Andes. As you’ve read, these Rites help us to become persons of wisdom and power (the ones we could have been but have forgotten how, until now).
     The Rites are energy transmissions that lift us up onto an evolutionary journey and awaken the codes within so we start seeing, feeling and acting in sacred ways again — for we too are divine, infinite and expansive.
     We already have all the knowledge within us to stop living lives of suffering and separation. We’ve just forgotten
how to access or use this power. But we can be creators again, and we will be the ones bringing forth the power necessary for the World to become the one we long for.
     Thus the Rites empower us to reach our fullest self-realisation. They’re a unique opportunity to receive ancient but eternal wisdom, whilst transforming and upgrading our capabilities, lighting up our
luminous energy fields and awakening a brighter future.
     And that’s such a beautiful prospect, one I’m sure we all relish. For learning these Rites ensures we rise up to the task of consciously creating a better world for our children... and our children’s children.

The Luminous Energy Field

You might be asking what’s my Luminous Energy Field (LEF), or Luminous Body, and why is it even a thing?

     Well, think of the LEF as the software that instructs your DNA (the hardware) to repair your body. The software operates through your brain, your nervous system, and your body’s energy centres.

     Whilst we can all “upgrade” our operating systems through meditation, walks in nature, or prayer, if we do not update our LEF, or if our brains are full of toxins and our LEF cannot upgrade our bodies, then we create our health and lives according to the default programs inherited from our families. We replicate the illnesses and dramas they lived with and perhaps died from.

     For there is an expression that says thoughts become things. Without upgrading our LEF with the latest system update for our times, we continue to carry our parents' health challenges, emotional issues or patterns of behaviour, repeating them in our own lives.
     Your LEF organises the physical reality around you and mirrors your thoughts and beliefs precisely. So if you don’t upgrade the wisdom in your LEF you might just remain stuck in the same old thoughts and inherited or learnt behaviours that have dogged you so far. If you think your Mum ruined your life, or heart disease runs in my family — you create this in YOUR life. And ain’t no-one got time for that!

     So... simply put, the Munay-Ki Rites are the perfect app for a better life!

What’s LOVE got to do with it?

MUNAY in the Quechua language means LOVE — in the form of a pure, unconditional presence and kindness. 

     KI means POWER — but thats not power over others, but more a force that helps us tame our ego so that our true loving essences can arise.

     Through the Rites (explained in greater detail below), you will learn more about the true seats of Love and Power in the body...

The Foundation Rites of the Munay-Ki

Healer’s Rite

Comes in as an immediate transmission during the Course

Connects you to a lineage of luminous beings who come to assist you in your personal transformation.

     There is a tremendous spiritual assistance available and these luminous ones work whilst we sleep to heal the wounds of our past and those of our ancestors.

Bands of Power

Takes between 2-4 weeks for the download to complete

Five luminous belts of energy that are woven into the luminous energy field (LEF) which act as filters, breaking down any negative energy that comes towards you, transmuting them into one of the five elements to feed your LEF instead of making you feel unwell.

Harmony Rite

Takes approx 14 weeks in total for connection to be made, downloaded and integrated into your LEF

Transmission of seven archetypes into your Chakras. Firstly Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird and Condor/Eagle. Then a connection to three higher beings starts is downloaded to: The Keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious), Keeper of the Middle World (our waking world), and the Protector of the Upper World (our super conscious).

Seers Rite

Fully downloaded after 3 months


Extracerebral pathways of light are installed that connect the visual cortex with the Third Eye and Heart chakra. This awakens the inner Seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit.

The Lineage Rites

Day-Keepers Rite

A connection is made to master healers from the past.

     Day-Keepers are able to call on the ancient altars of the Earth to heal and bring balance to it, call on the Sun to rise each day, and bring humans into harmony with Mother Earth.

     The Day-Keepers are the midwives, herbalists and curanderas.

     This Rite helps you heal your INNER FEMININE, step beyond fear, and practice peace.

Wisdom-Keepers Rite

Connecting to luminous beings from the past and the future.

     This Rite is associated with the snow-capped mountains, perhaps a distant memory of our ancestors from the Himalayas.

     This Rite helps heal your INNER MASCULINE, and to step outside of time, become steeped in the medicine teachings and to taste infinity.

Earth-Keepers Rite

This Rite connects you to the Archangels that are guardians of our galaxy, stewards of all life on Earth. You will connect to the stars, and to the sun, our local star. It helps you learn the ways of the Seer and to dream the New World into being.

What are the Rites of Time to Come?

Star-Keepers Rite

This Rite anchors you safely to the time after the “Great Change“, which is said to have occurred around 2012.

     Your physical body begins to evolve into “Homo Luminous”, the aging process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease.

Creator Rite

Awakens the Creator-light within and brings forth a sense of stewardship for all creation — from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies.

     Once this could only be attained through direct transmission from Spirit, but it is now possible to transmit from one person to another.

Is it time for you to discover the Munay-Ki Rites?

When these Rites “call” to you, you will KNOW it.

So go within and ask your Soul for guidance... If it’s your time, your Soul will jump at the chance to be a part of this magical weekend, one where:

(#1)   You will receive the NINE Rites of the Munay-Ki, so that you awaken the Seer within (to see into the invisible world of energy and spirit) release the Healer within (initiating your own personal healing journey) build energetic protection that allows you to walk fearlessly and with beauty through the world, and  connect to a lineage of Healers, Wisdom Keepers and Earth-Keepers from the past (and the future!) who will work with you... and through you!

(#2)   There will be a PI STONE receiving ceremony and this stone will be yours to keep — your eternal physical connection with these divine and cosmic Guides.

(#3)   You will receive each of the Rites through this stone. The stone will “seed” your luminous energy field with truth, beauty and wisdom and you will feed and grow this seed with FIRE after each Rite to deepen your connection to the wisdom.

(#4)   You will learn how to create Sacred Space how to be in right relationship with life understand the origin and potential of each initiation and discover your power, love, and wisdom to help Earth in these times of great change.

(#5)   You will learn how to pass the Rites on to others — although be mindful that you need to allow sufficient time for your downloads to take place before you can fully pass these Rites on (see the sort of timescales to expect in the “The Rites” section above).

(#6)   Smudging, cleansing and a cacao opening ceremony,

(#7)   There will also be meditations, and an altar onto which you can place an object special to you — maybe a crystal, or a photo, or a written intent. Indeed, it can be anything that matters to you where you feel you would like to help, grace or support. These are all placed on the altar on the opening night.

(#8)   We will talk, listen, and share our experiences (if you feel comfortable doing so), insights, knowledge and laughter in protected, sacred space.

(#9)   When it’s time to leave this course, you’ll travel to the next phase of your life’s journey with a radiant and seeded “Rainbow” light body.

Investment & Timings




     Hacheston Village Hall, The Street (B1116), Hacheston, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 0DW


    The cost of this non-residential weekend workshop is £150.00 which includes the cost of your Pi Stone and your Course Notes.

PLEASE NOTE, to keep the costs as low as possible (and to ensure individual dietary needs are met), attendees should provide their own lunch, or bring something to share for a pot-luck meal. However, rest assured that Tea, Coffee and light refreshments will be available throughout the weekend.

Ways to join this Workshop

One payment


Everything you need, including your Pi Stone (which will be yours to keep) as well as a PRINTED set of Course Notes.

Click HERE for more...

One payment


Everything in Option 1 but choose this option if you would prefer a DIGITAL PDF set of the Course Notes.

Click HERE for more...

Two payments

£75.00 per instalment

Choose Option 3 to help you budget, and pay in 2 instalments.

Email SJ for this option

Contact SJ to find out more!

The trick to speeding up our ascension is to slow down and go within!

So when the next Course date is set, come join us, stand in your power and get in sync with your Soul. Enjoy time with like-minded people, and finally make that divine connection with the Archetypes, Archangels and our Ancestors over this lovely, relaxing and uplifting weekend!

Sarah-Jane, 07810 502052

>> And to read up on this fascinating subject beforehand, The Sacred Andean Codes by Marcela Lobos is a great place to start.

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